Why I love Withings - Review

Withings Steel HR - a great watch if you want something fairly simple with a great battery.

Why I love Withings - Review
Worked quite hard

So might be a bit early to start talking about equipment as if I am some kind of fitness expert. But who doesn’t like kit?

So my broad plan for the first stage of the fitness regime is pretty simple - to eat less and do more exercise. In terms of exercise, I have been walking lots with V, lots more in the main blog on this topic. But I need to do more and faster. I have pulled my Withings Steel HR out of the drawer. I think Withings are great, I know there are fancier, all singing all dancing watches out there. But there is a lot to love about these:

  • They aren’t overly complicated
  • The battery lasts for ages
  • The interface is straightforward - In my case, I pretty much only use it for counting steps and telling the time
  • Some even look nice - my earlier model was very sleek and worked well with a suit. Maybe not the new black one so much
  • It works nicely with my iPhone, albeit in a fairly limited way. Notifications and telling you who is ringing. That is more helpful than you would think
  • It also has a, fairly, decent sleep monitor - Although this does seem to get confused when you get up for the seventh time to feed calm a shouty little person