A London life - Should I change the name of the blog?
Should I rename the blog, or is it just more procrastinating?
A series of brief posts about my experience trying to write a blog. Hopefully, some useful tips for other people starting out.
Should I rename the blog, or is it just more procrastinating?
How to increase your blog subscribers by 200% in one day...Start with a tiny number.
Writing a blog
Cove - A brilliant and simple system for fairly basic blogs. Why I chose it and what it's like to set up
Why I moved to Ghost from Squarespace. It may well just be procrastination. But there are several advantages if you are writing a more text-based blog.
Writing a blog
This is the second of my posts in a series I think of 'writing is hard'. The first was 'writing a blog is hard'; at the time, I was feeling productive and was planning to write lots of posts; that was 28th January, and since then,
Writing a blog
Writing a blog is hard work. But if you keep at it, it does get a little easier. People who sell it as a simple 'side hustle' are clearly full of s***