Exploring East London with toddlers: As unforgettable adventures await...
East London isn't just expensive flat whites and cocaine in warehouse parties. It is also pretty good for children.
My personal blog started in mid-2021. Lots of stuff about living in London, some about becoming a dad and about raising a daughter, and just some general bits.
East London isn't just expensive flat whites and cocaine in warehouse parties. It is also pretty good for children.
I’ve probably missed the boat, starting a YouTube channel in 2023. But I’m enjoying the process.
I have changed the name of the blog. In the spirit of the new year, it was time for a change of name and a slight change of direction
It almost goes without saying that being a dad is brilliant. But it can be extreamly lonely, being an older dad seems to make you evenmore isolated...maybe I am just moaning.
Should I rename the blog, or is it just more procrastinating?
How to increase your blog subscribers by 200% in one day...Start with a tiny number.
I have set up a pension for Violet. I hope the joys of compound interest will give her a comfortable life without making her an entitled brat.
Not working and running away is just a dream
Why do I find styling my daughters hair so hard
No more milk at night, for us, a huge step forward
How a service station saved my life, when we found ourselves in a massive RV, on the motorway in a terrible storm.
Due to age, ill health, and the pandemic Violet will be an only child. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing.