Sleep training - no milk! Baby steps
No more milk at night, for us, a huge step forward
A mini post - We have had a bit of a breakthrough with Violets sleeping. It's not perfect, but it feels like a huge step.
We have completely cut out any milk in bed, either when she is going to sleep or through the night. We have all used the bottle of milk as a bit of a crutch, but I decided we had to make a change as I am worried about her teeth, and we need her to start sleeping properly.
It wasn't anywhere near as hard as I had feared. I explained she wasn't getting milk in bed anymore; we had one bad night, and then she completely accepted water as a replacement. What's been great is how it has helped with sleep more generally; I don't want to tempt fate, but so far, the number of wakes has reduced, and she seems to understand that she is older now and needs to make a change. We have reinforced this with stickers as a reward (bribe).
Now all we need to do is get her to sleep before 9, to sleep later than 5:30 and not wake up screaming in the night!